The Poudre River Irregulars Jazz Band -- As heard on KUVO radio
The Poudre River Irregulars play at a wide variety of events including
a recurring monthly gig to great crowds at Avogadro's
Number that takes place on the First Friday of every month.
You can book the Poudre River Irregulars. We play for parties, weddings, swing dances, church services and
funeral marches, plus more! In addition, the "Mini-PRI", a stripped-down version of the band, is available
for groups with tight budgets. To arrange private bookings, use Contact above in the menu.
We hope you'll come and hear us play.
The "Regular Irregulars" are Charlie Smith and Larry Lagerberg on trumpet, Len Kellogg on trombone,
Clark Burnside on clarinet, Ray Leake on piano, David Dale on bass, Rory Thomas on banjo,
and Oscar DeZoto on drums.
Poudre River Irregulars Jazz Band
First Friday at Avo's
February 7, 2025
4pm to 7pm
Join us at:
Avogadro's Number located at
605 S. Mason, Fort Collins, CO
Tickets at the door:
$15 for NoCOTrad Jazz Society MEMBERS.
We accept cash or check; credit card with processing fee
Tickets for non-member FANS are $20 starting July 1st.
If you join the NoCOTradJazz Society, you will
save $5 per person at each First Friday at Avo's.
Dues-paid Members and Fans of the
Northern Colorado Traditional Jazz Society
are now able to pay in advance to reserve
a table with 3 seats and/or individual seats at Avo's using
the new NoCOTradJazz Society website at:
This new website also provides the schedule
and payment information for:
The Harmony Hotshots
Jazz Band
Sunday Afternoon Vintage Jazz
on the
4th Sunday of Every Month
2pm to 4:30pm
Join us at:
Avogadro's Number located at
605 S. Mason, Fort Collins, CO