The Poudre River Irregulars are a colorful jazz ensemble that plays New Orleans and Dixieland jazz and they are noted for their exuberant energy and sound musicianship.
The Northern Colorado Traditional Jazz Society is a tax-exempt corporation that promotes education about
and the live performance of Traditional Jazz while encouraging traditional jazz musicians of all ages.
The Poudre River Irregulars are a colorful jazz ensemble that plays New Orleans and Dixieland jazz and they are noted for their exuberant energy and sound musicianship. Drawing much of their inspiration from Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton, they play a wide variety of traditional jazz, from ragtime through the classics of the twenties and thirties up to early swing. Whatever they play, their music is always upbeat and joyful.
Go to our Gigs page to see the performance schedule and buy admissions
Based in Fort Collins, Colorado, this popular band plays for concerts, dances, and private engagements all over the Northern Colorado region. Their best-known gig is at Avogadro's Number, a hangout near the Colorado State University campus, where they play on the first Friday of each month to sellout crowds. See "Gigs" for current info about where you can hear them play.
They also have recorded a number of popular CDs. Take a look at "our CDs" for contents and how to order CDs. For photos, information about their musical style and some music samples, see "Photos and Videos".
About the name: The Cache la Poudre River was named by early French explorers who stashed gunpowder at intervals along its banks. Its upper reaches now provide recreation for kayakers, rafters, and fishermen, while supplying water for Fort Collins and surrounding agricultural areas. The local pronunciation is "POO-der."
Leadership: Cornetist Bob Cooke founded the band in 1995 and was its leader until December 2010, when he retired and handed over the reins. Now trombonist Len Kellogg is the band's leader (head honcho, booking agent, and all-purpose go-to guy); you can contact him by using the "Contact" button in the header.
As to "Irregulars": when the band was forming in 1994, personnel changes were frequent and abrupt. The group has long since stabilized, but keeps the name because it suggests the free and easy spirit of their music. (Think of a motley militia ready at a moment's notice to take on an engagement with deftness and high spirits.)
For bookings of the Poudre River Irregulars use "contact" in the menu